Hi again! This is going to be a short blog but an important milestone.


So when I was out buying some parts for my NAS (part 2 coming once I received the remaining parts) I thought I should throw in an M.2 while I was at it. So I bought myself some WD Gen 4 M.2 which is apparently faster than my Samsung 980. So I thought might as well install Linux on it and dualboot.


So I’m not a complete beginner to Linux. I’ve used it on and off since 2020 so this isn’t a steep learning curve.

I tried Ubuntu, POP!_OS, Arch and Manjaro so far. Ubuntu was okay, POP!_OS just didn’t work for some reason with my laptop, and I really like the AUR so I decided to stick to the Arch family. Arch itself is too bare bones for me so I went with a minimal version of Manjaro with KDE Plasma as the DE.

Installing Manjaro was very straight forward. Only had issues with figuring out how to split rear and front audio, and fixing overscan on one of my monitors.

So far I’m really enjoying how customizable Linux is. I haven’t tried any games on Linux yet, but I imagine I probably won’t be playing some games like Valorant on Linux for some time.

For now, I’ll be dualbooting Linux and Windows, but I’ll be sticking with Linux primarily unless if I have to use Windows.

Here’s a photo of my current setup:

This is it for now! NAS project is almost complete! I’m just waiting for the PSU to arrive and will be writing about it soon.